May 01, 2008

Parole hearing information is now on the NYS Division of Parole's web site

Information about parole hearings in NYS, available on the NYS DOCS Inmate Population Information Search web site, has now also been added to the NYS Division of Parole's web page.

The first phase of the NYS Division of Parole's new initiative went online today, allowing users to look back at parole board determinations over the past two years, and forward to cases due to come before the board within the next six months. A link has been added to make it easier for crime victims to submit a victim impact statement.

Phase II of the initiative is due to go online later this year and will add search capabilities and information on individuals currently on parole, such as the length of sentence served by the offender, the supervising parole officer, and contact information for the appropriate regional parole office.

A statement about the new initiative by George B. Alexander, Chairman of the NYS Division of Parole, may be found here.